Friday, April 28, 2006
FxCop and Nunit
PMD has a set of JUnit rules. It would be interesting to implement them in FxCop
- JUnitStaticSuite: The suite() method in a JUnit test needs to be both public and static.
- JUnitSpelling: Some JUnit framework methods are easy to misspell.
- JUnitAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage: JUnit assertions should include a message - i.e., use the three argument version of assertEquals(), not the two argument version.
- JUnitTestsShouldIncludeAssert: JUnit tests should include at least one assertion. This makes the tests more robust, and using assert with messages provide the developer a clearer idea of what the test does.
- TestClassWithoutTestCases: Test classes end with the suffix Test. Having a non-test class with that name is not a good practice, since most people will assume it is a test case. Test classes have test methods named testXXX.
- UnnecessaryBooleanAssertion: A JUnit test assertion with a boolean literal is unnecessary since it always will eval to the same thing. Consider using flow control (in case of assertTrue(false) or similar) or simply removing statements like assertTrue(true) and assertFalse(false). If you just want a test to halt, use the fail method.
- UseAssertEqualsInsteadOfAssertTrue: This rule detects JUnit assertions in object equality. These assertions should be made by more specific methods, like assertEquals.
- UseAssertSameInsteadOfAssertTrue: This rule detects JUnit assertions in object references equality. These assertions should be made by more specific methods, like assertSame, assertNotSame.
- UseAssertNullInsteadOfAssertTrue: This rule detects JUnit assertions in object references equality. These assertions should be made by more specific methods, like assertNull, assertNotNull.
- SimplifyBooleanAssertion: Avoid negation in an assertTrue or assertFalse test. For example, rephrase: assertTrue(!expr); as: assertFalse(expr);
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