Wednesday, May 31, 2006
A simple object DB
Create a database with a schema like this relationship diagram.

Now we can easily create the following application.
When a trade message arrives, we store it in the XML table. At the same time, we run an XSLT style sheet on the message. This generates some of the fields in the Message table. In particular it generates the type of message, the time stamp, and the key. We then update the message table with a new row. This update method has to be a little clever in that it needs to work out if there is a row already in place with the same key. If so, it sets the version number to the next in sequence If not, it sets the message number to 1.
That in itself is sufficient to act as a message store of free form XML. Notice there isn't any normalisation of the data. The XML can change, and the application carries on working. At the same time, you don't have to analyse the data and normalise it in order to get it into the database. For something like a swap transaction that would be a lot of work.
So storage is easy. What about retrieval? Well, here we again can have an easy strategy. We create a set of keys to the data and store them in the key table. To generate the keys, we resort to the same method used to generate the key on the Message table. We take the XML, pass it through an XSLT style sheet, and have the
style sheet output just the keys. A small amount of programming and we have the keys generated.
Now we can retrieve by keys.
One likely scenario is the need to add extra keys. Again it isn't a problem. We have the original message. We need to iterate over the Message table. We clean out the old keys. We take the XML message and pass it through the new XSLT style sheet, and generate the new keys and store them.
As a pattern this is a very cute idea.
1. Nothing is specific to one particular application.
2. XSLT is the right approach for manipulating XML
3. The schema copes with changes in requirements without the need to be modified.
4. The pattern removes the need for lots of analysis to get the data into a persistent store.
The split between Message and XML tables is to speed up access by removing the CLOB data to the XML table. Quite often you will not need to query the XML table.
An extension is indicated by the archived flag. You may want to age data and even move it off into an archive table. Alternatively set up the indexes with the archived flag as part of the key to speed up access.
One use is as a message store for systems that don't support idempotent operations
Another is as a message archive to keep records of messages over the long term. Just attach an adapter onto a message queue and store the messages.
Use of the version number also means you can have a full record of the messages.
Version could be made a key, but the problem here is that you often just want the latest version. It is easier and quicker having this as part of the message table.

Now we can easily create the following application.
When a trade message arrives, we store it in the XML table. At the same time, we run an XSLT style sheet on the message. This generates some of the fields in the Message table. In particular it generates the type of message, the time stamp, and the key. We then update the message table with a new row. This update method has to be a little clever in that it needs to work out if there is a row already in place with the same key. If so, it sets the version number to the next in sequence If not, it sets the message number to 1.
That in itself is sufficient to act as a message store of free form XML. Notice there isn't any normalisation of the data. The XML can change, and the application carries on working. At the same time, you don't have to analyse the data and normalise it in order to get it into the database. For something like a swap transaction that would be a lot of work.
So storage is easy. What about retrieval? Well, here we again can have an easy strategy. We create a set of keys to the data and store them in the key table. To generate the keys, we resort to the same method used to generate the key on the Message table. We take the XML, pass it through an XSLT style sheet, and have the
style sheet output just the keys. A small amount of programming and we have the keys generated.
Now we can retrieve by keys.
One likely scenario is the need to add extra keys. Again it isn't a problem. We have the original message. We need to iterate over the Message table. We clean out the old keys. We take the XML message and pass it through the new XSLT style sheet, and generate the new keys and store them.
As a pattern this is a very cute idea.
1. Nothing is specific to one particular application.
2. XSLT is the right approach for manipulating XML
3. The schema copes with changes in requirements without the need to be modified.
4. The pattern removes the need for lots of analysis to get the data into a persistent store.
The split between Message and XML tables is to speed up access by removing the CLOB data to the XML table. Quite often you will not need to query the XML table.
An extension is indicated by the archived flag. You may want to age data and even move it off into an archive table. Alternatively set up the indexes with the archived flag as part of the key to speed up access.
One use is as a message store for systems that don't support idempotent operations
Another is as a message archive to keep records of messages over the long term. Just attach an adapter onto a message queue and store the messages.
Use of the version number also means you can have a full record of the messages.
Version could be made a key, but the problem here is that you often just want the latest version. It is easier and quicker having this as part of the message table.
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